Together, we can

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Fight Injustice

Latest From Resistance Kitchen

Police live facial recognition surveillance vans have recently invaded our public spaces in Croydon. They target marginalised communities - scanning their faces to steal their biometric data without their consent, treating them like suspects forced into a digital line up against a police watchlist every time they walk near the van...

This week I attended the London Police Race Action Plan community engagement meeting in Croydon, aimed at ending the systemic racism of the Metropolitan Police Service.

Why is a convicted felon, found guilty of assaulting a black mother in front of her traumatised child, still on the police force one month after his sentencing?

On Friday 28th June, the Resistance Kitchen was privileged to join the campaign to Abolish Reporting for asylum seekers. Activists from diverse groups including Migrants Organise, set up an information stall outside Lunar House to help asylum seekers challenge the draconian 'reporting immigration bail conditions' imposed on them.

On Tuesday 21st May the we joined a stop deportation action at Stonebridge Lodge in Thornton Heath, just a few streets from our kitchen.

Last July a black mother, Jocelyn Agyemang, whilst travelling on the bus with her young son on Whitehorse Road, less than two mile from our kitchen, was attacked by the police..

Following the passing of the Rwanda bill last month, the government has started abducting asylum seekers from our door step - Lunar House in Croydon for deportation to Rwanda. We can't let the targeting of the most vulnerable in our community go unchallenged, the Resistance Kitchen has joined the campaign to stop deportations to Rwanda.

Next week, on May 2nd 2024, our London Mayoral and London Assembly elections will take place..

This week the kindness and humanity of our guests touched our hearts..

Despite the extreme weather conditions this week, the kitchen ran smoothly...

This week we joined in a local initiative for voter registration. Marginal communities like the one we serve often have no voice in the halls of power...

This week we welcomed the blessed month of Ramadan...