Children send paintings to their “best” teacher #Filton10

The #Filton10 have been unjustly imprisoned for trying to stop genocide.

Fatema Zainab, the youngest of the #Filton10 – just turned 20 before her arrest, is a voluntary teacher at a local community school. Some of her pupils sent her paintings “to make her happy”.

The youngest, 2 years old Maitham, whilst not understanding where she has gone, painted “hand fish”. He was sure seeing that on her wall would make her “happy”.

4 years old Leila painted a “love heart” to show her love for her teacher and wrote “smile” to reminder her to stay happy.

6 years old Amirali painted his teacher the way he remembers her, always with a big smile bringing happiness to all around her. He wrote “you are the best teacher… I miss you”.

She is the best of our community, we all miss her.

Free Fatema Zainab

Free the #Filton10

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