Perverted Judicial System – #Filton10 Unjustly Imprisoned 81 Days

On Saturday 26th October the Resistance Kitchen marked 81 days that 10 young heroes, the #Filton10 have been unjustly imprisoned, without a trial, for trying to stop genocide in Gaza. They are accused of entering an Israeli arms research and manufacturing hub (Elbit Systems) in Bristol on 6th August 2024, and dismantling Israeli killer drones used to commit genocide in Gaza.

Sentence Before Trial

The state, abusing draconian anti terror powers, has denied them bail and set their trial nearly 16 months in the future (Nov 2025) whilst they languish in prison, essentially serving a sentence they haven’t been found guilty of.

Juries have often in the past rejected the judges instructions to find activists guilty (telling them that there is no defence in law), by exercising their absolute right to acquit  according to their conscience. They realise that ordinary conscientious activists are taking direct action in order to prevent greater crimes from being committed, often by the state itself. It seems the state is countering this modicum of justice by punishing activists before they are tried for any crime, in case at trial a jury of their peers sets them free.

Perverting The Judicial System

In recent years the state is very worried about this outcome of juries acquitting activists,  that it has actively perverted the judicial system to ensure guilty verdicts.

In 2020 when the statue of the infamous slave trader Colston was toppled in Bristol and dumped in the canal, four activists arrested for ‘criminal damage’ were acquitted by a jury in less than three hours – they accepted the defence argument that displaying of the statue – Colston’s continued veneration, was itself a criminal act of displaying indecent or abusive material in a vibrant multicultural city. Terrified by the legal precedent it set, the Attorney General, in an extraordinary act of political interference, appealed that the judge should not have given the jury the option to consider a principled defence argument. The Court of Appeal rubber stamped the governments position and so closed the door for such future defences.

The British colonial occupation in Northern Ireland introduced jury-less Diplock courts in the six counties because they feared that if a jury is randomly selected from the six counties then there is a good chance that many will be sympathetic to the cause of Irish liberation and feel that the colonial laws underpinning the occupation are themselves unjust and refuse to convict.

It only needs three conscientious jury members to have a hung jury. We are seeing a ground swell of support for Palestine and opposition to genocide in the UK, so the state is similarly trying to pervert the legal system to ensure guilty verdicts.

Political Interference

In Palestine Action’s cases its been revealed, through Freedom Of Information requests, that the Attorney General has also been liaising with the Israel Embassy, we are not sure the extent of the interference.

This subject of interference in the judicial system is discussed in a brilliant Palestine Action webinar video from last year:

Engineering Guilty Verdict

In the video Tim, a former government lawyer, gives an example of how trials are being “engineered” to produce guilty verdicts by not allowing the jury to hear from activists why they did what they did:

At trial at an inner London crown court in July 2023 a climate activist Reverend Dr Sue Parfitt, who is 81 years old, is in front of Judge Reid. She had previously been tried just a few months ago in the same court with the same judge and acquitted by a jury from a road blocking action. But this time the judge isn’t allowing her to say the same things she had been allowed to say the previous time even though the allegations are the same as is the motivation for her actions. She asks the judge “why aren’t I allowed to say what I was allowed to say the last time?” . The jury isn’t present, and the judge drops his guard and replies “once bitten twice shy”. The court goes completely silent, you could hear a pin drop, as people digest the implications of what he was saying. The Reverend Parfitt replies “You are trying to engineer a guilty verdict aren’t you?”

Defend Our Juries

For more on this subject please see the campaign ‘Defend Our Juries’. They are doing some excellent work at exposing the subversion of our judicial system, please support them. Their activists have been arrested for simply holding a sign in a public street outside a court reminding juries of their “absolute right to acquit according to their conscience”!

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